Every year, incredible work is published by incredible researchers. Here you will find the latest publications.
Amit, Vered. 2022. “Work, Mobilities and the Life Course: Choices and Logistical Entanglements in Mobile Life-Careers.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 48(17):4149-4165. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2022.2053078 (open access)
Amit, Vered, and Noel B. Salazar (eds.). 2020. Pacing Mobilities: Timing, Intensity, Tempo and Duration of Human Movements. New York & Oxford: Berghahn Books. (introduction is open access)
Costa, E., and Nicholas Lynch. 2021. “Sense of Place on the Periphery: Exploring the Spatial Practices of the Creative Class in St. John’s.” Canadian Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 30(2):1-15.
Dorow, S., and Sandrine Jean. 2021. “Managing Liminal Time in the Fly-in Fly-out Work Camp.” Human Relations. 75(4):681-704.
Dorow, S., and Sandrine Jean. 2022. “Letters from Camp: Work, Family, and Time in a FIFO Regime.” in Barb Neis, Christina Murray, and Nora Spinks (eds.), Families Work and Mobility, ISER book Memorial University Press. The book chapter is in open access here: https://memorialuniversitypress.ca/
Lynch, Nicholas. (forthcoming). “Borrowing Spaces: The Geographies of ‘Libraries of Things’ in the Canadian Sharing Economy.” Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie.
Lynch, Nicholas. 2022. “Unbuilding the City: Deconstruction and the Circular Economy in Vancouver.” Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 54(8):1586-1603.
Lynch, Nicholas. 2022. “Remaking the Obsolete: Contemporary Geographies of Adaptive Reuse.” Geography Compass 16(1):e12605.
Lynch, Nicholas, and R. LeDrew. 2020. “ Adaptations on the Edge: Postsecular Placemaking and the Adaptive Reuse of Worship Spaces in Newfoundland.” Social and Cultural Geography 23(2):309-329.
Soucy, Alexander. 2016. "Constructing Modern Zen Spaces in Vietnam." In Michael Dickhardt and Andrea Lauser (eds.) Religion, Place and Modernity: Spatial Articulations in Southeast and East Asia. Pp. 125-145. Leiden: Brill Publishing.
Soucy, Alexander. 2022. Zen Conquest: Buddhist Transformations in Contemporary Vietnam. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press. https://uhpress.hawaii.edu/title/zen-conquests-buddhist-transformations-in-contemporary-vietnam/
Stephenson, B., and Lynch, Nicholas. (forthcoming) “Spaces of Alterity: Contemporary Geographies of Alternative Sacred Space.” In Woods, O., Kong, L., and Tse, J. (eds.) Handbook of the Geographies of Religion. Springer.
The Craft of Qualitative Research.
An edited collection packed with advice, exercises, and anecdotes, The Craft of Qualitative Research is a practical, introductory guide that will develop students’ skills and confidence in qualitative research. Accessible in style and tone, this text equips students with the tools needed to manage and overcome challenges, emotions, biases, and power dynamics in the field. To encourage experiential learning, 45 concise chapters include real-world examples and practical exercises from scholars and professionals in varying disciplines and stages of career. Each section begins with an editors’ introduction then takes readers through the steps of successful qualitative research: from planning projects ethically and entering the field, to collecting and analyzing data, and lastly, to exiting the field and disseminating findings. Students in research-reliant disciplines, particularly sociology, anthropology, criminology, social work, and health studies, will benefit from this distinctly practical resource.
Qualitative Research in Action: A Canadian Primer, 4th edition
Now in its fourth edition, Qualitative Research in Action continues to offer students a concise, clear introduction to the diverse world of qualitative research. Throughout this compelling work, Deborah K. van den Hoonaard and new co-author Lisa-Jo ven den Scott bring the research process to life by exploring a wide array of examples drawn from actual studies, including their own research experiences. Emphasizing communication, connection, and flexibility as the cornerstones of qualitative research, this new edition offers beginner students the foundation they need to conduct their first qualitative studies. This fourth edition of Qualitative Research in Action sees the addition and emphasis of Indigenous content and methodologies, including new examples of working with Indigenous communities, along with new and expanded discussions on auto-ethnography, unobtrusive research, oral history, and talking circles.